One of the key steps when an Idaho court determines child support is to determine the “income” of each parent. Defining “income” is not always so straight-forward. A parent’s “income” under the Idaho Child Support Guidelines is defined as the parent’s gross income, with certain adjustments. Gross income is broadly defined to include income from any source. This includes wages, tips, bonuses, trust income, and social security benefits. It also includes education grants, scholarships, and ...
Disability Benefits Can Be Taxable Income
I recently was asked to research whether disability benefits from Idaho Department of Health and Welfare (“IDHW”) can be taxed. In certain circumstances, the answer is yes! Apparently this differs from what IDHW has been telling people, which proves the old adage: “Don’t get legal advice from government agencies.” Okay, I guess that’s not an adage, but it should be. The specific situation I looked into is a parent providing in-home care for his or her adult, developmentally delayed ...