In dealing with child custody questions, lots of people say they want “fifty-fifty,” without really knowing what that might mean for them or their children. People usually mean they want to alternate days or weeks in some fashion, figuring that they will split their kids in the same way they divide property. It doesn’t really work like that in Idaho. The standard for a court in determining child custody issues is deceptively simple: the court may order whatever seems “necessary or ...
About The Learned Lawyer
Greetings, readers! I’m Scott Learned and I’m an attorney. My firm, Learned Lawyer PLLC, helps all sorts of folks with all sorts of legal issues and challenges, like employment issues, child custody questions, problems with the government, personal injury lawsuits, or questions about dealing with pesky neighbors. Please visit my website at for more information. This blog, The Learned Lawyer, will address all sorts of legal questions posed by clients and ...